Parent Teacher Organization

PTO Board and Committees
PRESIDENT Conducts monthly meetings; oversees PTO activities; attends monthly Superintendent Council Meetings  (Rachel Kimbler)

VICE PRESIDENT Assists President and committee chairs (Bambi Risden)

SECRETARY Records/prepares meeting minutes; keeps member lists; maintains minutes files; Create/track/archive PTO publications (Olivia Zade)

TREASURER Keeps an accurate and detailed account of all monetary transactions; prepares monthly reports; maintains financial records/files; Creates annual budget (Diane Wonnacott)
COMMITTEES & Chairperson

ASSEMBLIES Coordinate with principal to recommend/schedule educational assemblies (PTO President)

BANKER  Assists Treasurer with cash handling and money counting (vacant)

BOOK FAIR Assist librarian with annual book fair (Jodie Batzer)

BOX TOPS / CAMPBELL'S LABELS Collect/prepare/submit box tops for reimbursement; Collect/prepare/submit labels for credit; Order playground toys based on Labels' credit; Create/advertise/arrange class competitions to encourage involvement in the program (Rachel Kimbler & Charissa Wagner, COnnie Scanlan,)

CARNIVAL Organize carnival; help recruit volunteers; request prize donations; coordinate with school staff and parents to develop booths; advertising and flyers (vacant)

DONATIONS Membership drive; solicit community donations

DRUG AWARENESS Organize activities and incentives for Red Ribbon Week (vacant)

FUNDRAISERS Review/recommend fundraisers; Organize and oversee fundraising activities; Check/submit orders; Collect/count money with Treasurer

HOSPITALITY Organize luncheons and refreshments when needed; Prepare Thank You notes for volunteers and donors (Karen Clayson)

JR OLYMPICS Organize sports day activities and awards;flyers and advertisements; Coordinate with Principal to note which students move on to city event (vacant)

SPIRIT SALES Review/recommend items for Spirit Shop; Keep inventory and sales ledger up to date; Collect money and submit to Banker or Treasurer; Prepare orders (Vacant)

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK Organize food/gifts/activities to support teachers and staff; Coordinate volunteers to provide supplies; (Karen Clayson)
Yearbook: Design/Create /photograph events and students for the schools yearbook . Coordinates with teachers and staff  for photos. (Bambi Risden ) 
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